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Questions and Answers

Público·12 miembros

John Bell
John Bell

What's new in Good Lock 2022 for Samsung One UI 4 (Android 12)?

Good Lock APK Android 12: How to Customize Your Samsung Galaxy Phone

If you own a Samsung Galaxy phone running Android 12, you might be wondering how to make the most of its features and capabilities. One app that can help you do that is Good Lock APK, a suite of apps that lets you customize various aspects of your phone's user interface. In this article, we will explain what Good Lock APK is, how to download and install it, what are its main features, and what are the benefits of using it.

What is Good Lock APK?

Good Lock APK is a collection of apps developed by Samsung for its Galaxy devices. It allows you to tweak and modify different elements of your phone's user interface, such as the status bar, the lock screen, the home screen, the recent apps screen, and more. You can also create your own themes and wallpapers, adjust the sound settings, change the navigation gestures, and access other advanced options.

good lock apk android 12

A suite of apps for Samsung devices

Good Lock APK consists of several modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of customization. You can choose which modules you want to install and use, depending on your preferences and needs. Some of the most popular modules are QuickStar, Home Up, LockStar, Task Changer, and Theme Park. We will discuss them in more detail later.

How to download and install Good Lock APK

Good Lock APK is not available on the Google Play Store, but you can easily download and install it from the Galaxy Store. To do that, follow these steps:

  • Open the Galaxy Store app on your Samsung device.

  • Search for "Good Lock" and tap on the app with the same name.

  • Tap on "Install" to download and install Good Lock APK.

  • Open Good Lock APK from your app drawer or home screen.

  • You will see a list of modules that you can install. Tap on the blue download icon next to each module that you want to use.

  • You will be redirected to the Galaxy Store again to install each module separately.

  • Once you have installed all the modules that you want, go back to Good Lock APK and tap on each module to open it and customize its settings.

What are the main features of Good Lock APK?

Good Lock APK offers a variety of features that let you customize your Samsung Galaxy phone in different ways. Here are some of the main features of each module:

QuickStar: Customize your status bar and quick settings

QuickStar lets you change the appearance and functionality of your status bar and quick settings panel. You can do things like:

  • Hide or show certain icons on your status bar.

  • Change the position of your clock.

  • Add or remove quick settings tiles.

  • Change the color and transparency of your quick settings panel.

  • Add custom toggles for microphone and camera access.

Home Up: Customize your home screen and app drawer

Home Up lets you change the layout and behavior of your home screen and app drawer. You can do things like:

  • Adjust the grid size and icon size of your home screen and app drawer.

LockStar: Customize your lock screen and security options

LockStar lets you change the look and feel of your lock screen and security options. You can do things like:

  • Choose from different lock screen layouts and styles.

  • Change the position and size of your clock, notifications, and shortcuts.

  • Select different wallpapers for your lock screen.

  • Enable or disable face recognition, fingerprint scanner, or swipe to unlock.

  • Set different unlock effects and sounds.

Task Changer: Customize your recent apps screen and multitasking gestures

Task Changer lets you change the way you switch between your recent apps and use multitasking gestures. You can do things like:

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  • Choose from different layouts and animations for your recent apps screen.

  • Change the size and shape of your app cards.

  • Enable or disable blur effects and mini mode.

  • Use gestures to switch between apps, such as swipe up, swipe down, or swipe left/right.

  • Adjust the sensitivity and duration of your gestures.

Theme Park: Create your own themes and wallpapers

Theme Park lets you create your own themes and wallpapers for your phone. You can do things like:

  • Select a base color from an image or a color palette.

  • Customize the colors of your icons, buttons, text, and background.

  • Preview your theme on different screens and apps.

  • Save and apply your theme to your phone.

  • Create live wallpapers with animations and effects.

Other modules for more customization options

Besides the modules mentioned above, Good Lock APK also offers other modules that let you customize other aspects of your phone. Some of them are:

  • Sound Assistant: Customize your sound settings, such as volume, equalizer, sound modes, etc.

  • Nice Catch: Monitor and record the actions of other apps, such as notifications, vibrations, sounds, etc.

  • One Hand Operation+: Enable and customize one-handed mode and gestures for easier use of your phone.

  • Routines+: Create and manage smart routines that automate certain actions based on triggers and conditions.

  • ClockFace: Change the style and appearance of your clock on your lock screen and always-on display.

What are the benefits of using Good Lock APK?

Using Good Lock APK can bring you many benefits, such as:

Personalize your phone to suit your preferences and style

With Good Lock APK, you can make your phone look and feel the way you want. You can express your personality and creativity by creating your own themes and wallpapers. You can also match your phone's appearance with your mood, occasion, or season. You can have fun experimenting with different combinations and options to find the best ones for you.

Enhance your phone's functionality and performance

With Good Lock APK, you can also improve your phone's functionality and performance. You can optimize your phone's settings to suit your needs and preferences. You can also access more features and options that are not available in the default settings. You can also make your phone more convenient and easy to use by adjusting the gestures, shortcuts, and layouts.

Enjoy new features and updates from Samsung

With Good Lock APK, you can also enjoy new features and updates from Samsung. Samsung regularly updates Good Lock APK with new modules, improvements, bug fixes, and compatibility with new devices and software versions. You can also get feedback from other users and developers through the Good Lock community. You can also request new features or report issues through the app itself.


In conclusion, Good Lock APK is a great app for Samsung Galaxy users who want to customize their phones in various ways. It offers a suite of apps that let you change the appearance and functionality of different elements of your phone's user interface. It also brings many benefits, suc

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