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What You Need to Know About Google Drive Direct Download Links and How to Create Them

Google Drive Direct Download Link: How to Create and Use It

Google Drive is one of the most popular cloud storage services that lets you store and share your files online. You can easily share your files with anyone by creating a shareable link. However, sometimes you may want to create a direct download link that allows users to download your file without opening a web page. In this article, we will explain what a Google Drive direct download link is, why you may want to use it, how to create it, and how to use it.

What is a Google Drive direct download link?

A Google Drive direct download link is a custom URL that you can create for your shared files. When someone clicks on this URL, they will be able to download your file directly, without opening the Google Drive web page. This can save time and bandwidth, especially for large files.

google drive direct download link

Download File:

Why use a Google Drive direct download link?

There are several reasons why you may want to use a Google Drive direct download link, such as:

  • You want to make it easier for users to download your file without having to go through the Google Drive web page.

  • You want to embed your file in another web page, such as a blog post or an email newsletter.

  • You want to track how many times your file has been downloaded using analytics tools.

  • You want to customize the file name or the file extension of your shared file.

How to create a Google Drive direct download link?

There are two methods that you can use to create a Google Drive direct download link:

Method 1: Modify the shared file link manually

This method involves changing some parts of the original shared file link that you get from Google Drive. Here are the steps:

  • Open and find the file that you want to share.

  • Right-click on the file and select "Share" from the menu.

  • In the "Share with people and groups" window, click on "Change to anyone with the link" at the bottom. This will make your file accessible to anyone who has the link.

  • Click on "Copy link" to copy the shared file link. It should look something like this:

  • Paste the copied link in a text editor and modify it as follows:

  • Delete everything after the last slash (/) in the URL. This will remove the view parameter.

  • Replace /file/d/ with /uc?export=download&id=. This will change the URL from opening the file in Google Drive to downloading it directly.

  • Your final URL should look something like this:

Congratulations, you have created a Google Drive direct download link!

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Method 2 Method 2: Use the Google Drive Direct Link Generator tool

This method involves using a free online tool that can automatically generate a Google Drive direct download link for you. Here are the steps:

  • Open in your web browser.

  • Copy the shared file link from Google Drive, as explained in Method 1.

  • Paste the copied link in the "Enter Google Drive Shareable Link" box on the tool's website.

  • Click on "Create Direct Download Link" to generate the Google Drive direct download link. It should look something like this:

  • You can also copy the HTML code for embedding the file in your web page, or the Markdown code for inserting the file in your blog post.

That's it, you have created a Google Drive direct download link using the tool!

How to use a Google Drive direct download link?

Now that you have created a Google Drive direct download link, you may wonder how to use it. Here are some ways that you can use a Google Drive direct download link:

How to download a file using a Google Drive direct download link?

To download a file using a Google Drive direct download link, you just need to click on the link or paste it in your web browser's address bar. Depending on your browser settings, you may see a dialog box asking you to save the file or open it with an application. Choose the option that suits your needs and enjoy your downloaded file!

How to embed a file using a Google Drive direct download link?

To embed a file using a Google Drive direct download link, you need to use some HTML code that can display the file in your web page. For example, if you want to embed an image file, you can use the following code:

<img src=" alt="Image from Google Drive">

This will show the image from Google Drive in your web page, like this:

If you want to embed other types of files, such as PDFs, videos, or audio files, you can use different HTML tags, such as <iframe>, <video>, or <audio>. You can also use the HTML code that is generated by the Google Drive Direct Link Generator tool, as explained in Method 2. Tips and tricks for using Google Drive direct download links

Google Drive direct download links can be very useful, but they also have some limitations and challenges. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you use them more effectively:

How to change the file name of a Google Drive direct download link?

By default, the file name of a Google Drive direct download link is the same as the original file name in Google Drive. However, you may want to change the file name to something more descriptive or relevant. To do this, you can add a parameter called &confirm= followed by the new file name at the end of the URL. For example, if you want to change the file name to "My Awesome Image.jpg", you can use this URL:

Note that this will only change the file name when the user downloads the file, not when they view it in their browser.

How to make a copy of a file using a Google Drive direct download link?

Sometimes, you may want to make a copy of a file that is shared with you using a Google Drive direct download link. This can be useful if you want to edit the file or keep it in your own Google Drive account. To do this, you can use a parameter called &copy= followed by any value at the end of the URL. For example, you can use this URL:

This will open a dialog box asking you to sign in to your Google account and make a copy of the file in your Google Drive.

How to prevent hotlinking of your Google Drive files?

Hotlinking is when someone uses your Google Drive direct download link to display your file on their own website, without your permission. This can consume your bandwidth and affect your performance. To prevent hotlinking, you can use a parameter called &authuser= followed by your email address at the end of the URL. For example, you can use this URL:

This will ensure that only you can access your file using the direct download link.


In this article, we have learned what a Google Drive direct download link is, why you may want to use it, how to create it, and how to use it. We have also shared some tips and tricks that can help you use Google Drive direct download links more effectively. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below.


  • Q: How do I create a Google Drive direct download link for a folder?

A: Unfortunately, there is no easy way to create a Google Drive direct download link for a folder. You will have to create individual direct downloa

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