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Constance Spry Rose Buy

Winter hardy, award-winning Rosa Constance Spry is the first of David Austin English roses. This truly remarkable Rose produces sumptuous, huge, 4 in. wide (10 cm), deeply cupped, rounded double flowers full of soft pink petals (26-40 petals). Rich with a strong, sweet myrrh fragrance, 'Constance Spry' is a vigorous, strong-growing, medium to large spreading shrub with generous foliage. It may be grown as a medium-sized climber as its flexible canes are easy to train - and the more they are twisted horizontally around a support, the more profuse the flowering will be the following year since this superb rose flowers on old wood.

constance spry rose buy

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Containerised roses are available throughout the year (although there are more available during the summer months) and are roses that we have planted into containers during the winter months when the plants are dormant. If purchasing a container rose early in the year it is advisable to wait until early June before planting out into the garden. This is to give the roots system a chance to establish without damaging the young fibrous roots. In summer months containerised roses must be watered daily to ensure good health and maximum blooms. The advantage of buying a rose in a pot is that you can select the plant yourself during a visit to our nursery and gardens, giving you the opportunity to see the rose in flower prior to purchasing. Containerised roses are usually available for delivery within 3 - 5 days unless otherwise stated.

Throughout the winter months, from November to March, the roses are dormant and can be cut back and safely handled in bare root form. Many established rose gardeners call this the peak time for purchasing and planting roses, as a rose planted in the winter has many months to put down a great root structure to support the blooms and the plant for years to come. Most roses planted during the bare root season will put out a great display of blooms the same year. Bare root roses are obviously live plants so do need fairly immediate treatment upon arrival. This can be difficult in times of heavy frost or snow. It is prudent in these conditions to prepare an area in which to heel in the roses. More advice on heeling in can be found within our planting advice pages and a full set of planting instructions will come with your rose. We would never advise buying a pre-packed rose from a supermarket for you have no idea how long they have been packaged and may well have dried out. Bare root roses are available to order throughout the year and are normally delivered between November 1st and March 31st.

These should always be hard pruned at the time of planting, before they are placed in the hole is the logical time. Even the most rampant of ramblers will benefit from this treatment as it encourages basal growth, from which the plant will make its shape. Climbers, ramblers and shrub roses should be reduced to about six inches, bush roses to about four inches.

A correctly planted rose will need to have the union and first inch or so of branches below soil level. This is to reduce the risk of suckers developing and damage by wind-rock.For a bare root rose the hole should be wide enough to allow the roots to be spread out and deep enough so that the base of the stems are just covered. We recommend using a good quality compost, like John Innes No 3, especially if planting roses into pots. We would also advise adding a proprietary rose food or bone meal into the base of the hole. A handful is enough and this should be mixed in with the soil there to avoid root scorch. A little powdered food can also be sprinkled onto the removed soil before it is returned.

The bare root rose should now be held with one hand at the right depth with the roots spread out, whilst the first of the soil is returned, either by hand or with a spade. When approximately half the hole is full the rose can be left alone and the soil firmed in by foot. The remainder of the soil can then be returned and firmed in the same way.

Much of the bare root planting instructions also apply for a rose bought in a container, with the first inch or so of the branches below soil level, and the hole wide enough for the root ball. To reduce the risk of damaging the root system we would not advocate the teasing out of the roots. The plant should be young enough to allow the roots to break through by themselves. If purchased early in the year it is wise to leave the rose in its pot until early June to give the roots time to establish.

Container roses are delivered throughout the year. If you receive your container rose at the start of the year then it is likely to have been recently potted into its container. We would therefore strongly recommend waiting until early June before removing your rose from its pot. This is to allow the young fibrous roots time to establish and knit together with the surrounding soil, which will minimise any chance of damage.

A very famous climbing rose,being the first commercially available variety bred by David Austin, which was named after one of last centuries most famous floral artists.This rose is very vigorous, and will cope well with semi shade, as well as more sunshine and indifferent soil, the flowers are large, well cupped with many petals and posess a very rich rose fragrance. It flowers early in the season, and does not repeat, but makes a spectacular show.

It is best to plant your roses as soon as possible after receiving them, remember they are living plants. If planting is delayed it is best to leave the package un-opened until you are ready to plant. If you would like to see the plants carefully reseal any packaging after inspection, this is to prevent the roses drying out. Never let the roots dry out, this will result in plant losses, if they do dry immerse in water for about an hour before planting or if soil conditions will not allow replace in the packaging until planting. Store the roses in a cool but frost free building, e.g. a garage; they will keep in good condition for up to ten days.

Finish off by carefully firming around the base of the plant with your foot, apply some rose fertilizer around the plant, to manufacturer's recommended rates and lightly rake the soil to get a level finish. Roses handled carefully and properly planted transplant very well. They are suited to a range of soil types and situations however they do not succeed in wet boggy areas.

The roses you receive will have been shortened before dispatch. We recommend you prune roses after planting this will lay the foundation for a well shaped plant in the future. After planting prune all shoots to 7-15cm (3-6in) above ground level, ensure cuts are to outward facing buds preferably slanting away from the bud to shed water. If you are planting container grown roses in active growth wait until their dormant season to prune.

Aim to prune in January or February using sharp secateurs. Firstly remove any dead, diseased or dying wood; aim to produce a bush with an open centre, remove any crossing shoots or spindly growth cutting to outward facing buds. How much wood you remove depends on the type of rose.

Rosa 'Constance Spry' is a light pink shrub rose introduced into Great Britain in 1961. It is the first rose cultivar commercially developed by British rose breeder, David C.H. Austin. 'Constance Spry' was introduced at a time when the shrub rose was out of style, the hybrid tea rose being the most popular rose with gardeners. The new cultivar renewed the popularity of the more old fashioned type of rose.

Developed at a time when the hybrid tea rose was the most common style marketed to gardeners, the success of 'Constance Spry' renewed the popularity of a more old fashioned type of rose.[3] The rose is named after gardening educator, author, and florist Constance Spry. Spry collected old roses from the 1930s and 1940s, and traveled extensively through Britain during World War II, giving talks to women's groups on gardening and flower arranging. She was a talented flower arranger and wrote many popular books on the subject.[4][5]

Despite its only once a year flowering, the charm of 'Constance Spry's old fashioned appearance proved popular enough to prove there was a market for "reproduction" style roses.[6] Austin continued his breeding program with 'Constance Spry' was further crossed with both modern and older roses, resulting in the fully remontant Rosa 'Wife of Bath' (1969), Rosa 'The Yeoman', 1969 and Rosa 'Chaucer' (1970), from which many of his later roses descended.[7][8] 'Constance Spry' was awarded the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in 1993.[2]

One of the most spectacular roses in the old rose garden is the pink climbing rose Constance Spry. It is heavily scented and produces masses of beautiful blooms. The plant is now some 15 years old and performs wonderfully year after year if pruned annually. It is certainly quite a vigorous rose and needs plenty of space- it is currently over 2 metres high and at least the same across.

For pure white blooms, look no further than 'Iceberg'. The lightly scented flowers are semi-double, meaning they have an old rose look while still providing food for pollinators. Vigorous and repeat-flowering. Holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Rosa 'A Shropshire Lad' is a versatile variety that can be grown as a shrub or a short climbing rose, if supported. The pale pink rosettes are large and gently scented. Almost thornless, so is easier to prune and tie-in. Repeat-flowering, it also holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

'Constance Spry' is a vigorous rose with an arching growth habit, so it makes an ideal climbing rose. The large rose-pink blooms have a rich myrrh aroma. This variety holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Rosa 'Crown Princess Margareta' has mid-orange rosettes, packed with ruffled blooms. Repeat-flowering, highly fragrant and grows well in partial shade. This variety combines particularly well with purple flowers.

A strong, disease-resistant variety, Rosa 'The Generous Gardener' is ideal for growing over arches and pergolas. The pale pink rosettes are strongly scented and attractively-shaped. Repeat-flowering, it also holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit. 041b061a72

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