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Working Mothers

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Joshua Perez
Joshua Perez

Dolby Digital Live Pack - Sb Aud High Quality

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Dolby Digital Live Pack - Sb Aud

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PO Box 208244, New Haven, CT 06520-8244 Phone 203/432-8825Fax 203/432-1596 E-mail[email protected]Web Offered: three-year M.F.A. in Sound Designand one-year engineering internship. Program and FacilitiesDescription: The Sound Design Program trains eligible applicants inthe theory and practice of professional sound design. Coursework coversscript interpretation, compositional elements of design, introductorysound design, fundamentals of sound and music technology, advancedproblem solving, sound delivery systems, advanced digital sound andmusic technology, design master class and practical design thesisproject. Qualified students will have numerous opportunities to designfor student and Yale Repertory productions.

7250 State Ave., Kansas City KS 66112 Phone 913/2887634 Fax 913/288 7638 E-mail[email protected] Web site Associate of Applied Science Degree in AudioEngineering (5-6 semesters typical duration). Associate of GeneralStudies Degree in Music Technology (5-6 semesters typical duration).Program and Facilities Description: Classes cover computing skills,basic and advanced MIDI, software and hardware synthesis, audiorecording (4 semester sequence of classes), audio editing and sounddesign, digital video production and live sound reinforcement. Classes limited to 12 students. Accredited by NorthCentral Association. Facilities include: 24-trackDTRS, Pro ToolsHD-2, Soundcraft Ghost studio (5.1 surroundcapability); 24-track ADAT, Pro Tools LE studio, multistation.MIDI/digital audio (including Pro Tools)/synthesis lab; multistationMIDI lab, digital video lab, live sound reinforcement.

Audio Production Department, 2323 Elliott Ave., Seattle, WA98121-1622 Phone 800/275-2471 Fax 206/269-2471 Websitewww.ais.eduDegrees/Certificates Offered: two-year Associate of Applied Artsdegree in Audio Production. Program and Facilities Description:Program taught by working professionals and consists of (six) 11-weekquarters preparing students for entry-level positions with recordingstudios, post-production houses, multimedia, Web and video-productioncompanies, audio manufacturers and retailers, and A/V or live soundreinforcement companies. Facilities consist of four 24-trackanalog/digital recording studios, a 5.1 surround sound studio, fourdigital audio workstation rooms, a 25-seat digital audio workstationlab and a 25-seat Pro Tools lab.

1000 W. Foothill Blvd., Glendora, CA 91741 Phone 626/852-8061Fax 626/852-8063 E-mail[email protected]Web sitewww.citrusstudios.comDegrees/CertificatesOffered: one-year Vocation certificate in Audio Engineering.Program and Facilities Description: Citrus offers hands-ontraining in a working studio. The facility centers on two studios withNeve VR and Euphonix CS2000 consoles, with Tascam digital, Studer A827analog and Pro Tools recorders. Other rooms include and auditorium forlive recordings and film scores, a smaller analog studio and a lab with25 Pro Tools workstations. The curriculum consists of courses in audioengineering, acoustics, live sound, critical listening, digital audio,MIDI and music business.

200-198 W. Hastings St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6B 1H2 Phone604/685-5808 Fax 604/685-6389 E-mail[email protected]Web sitewww.vfs.comDegrees/Certificates Offered:one-year diploma programs in filmmaking, 2-D and 3-D animation, sounddesign, broadcast media productions, new media, acting and writing forfilm and television, makeup for film and television. Program andFacilities Description: VFS maintains industry-standard,high-quality production so that Sound Design students have theopportunity to author and produce the surround sound audio requirementsfor original film and digital media content. The program is ambitiousand has several objectives: produce a professional-quality audiocomponent portfolio; author and produce the complete audio componentsfor a short film or digital media package; expand audio designprinciples to include Web-based audio delivery; and complete DigidesignOperator certification. 350c69d7ab

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