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Working Mothers

Público·13 miembros

Mosaic Your Crush! Free Download

You'll hear a little cracking sound as you crush the shell. This is good, you want the shell to flatten out into the glue.Work in small spaces and quickly so your glue doesn't dry out.Caution: The egg shell pieces can be sharp so be careful. Mama may need to help little ones.

Mosaic Your Crush! Free Download

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Note: if you are swapping with us, please try to create and upload your mosaic this week. That way, when swap recipients are assigned, your spoiler will have some inspiration ready to go!

Mosaics are works of art created by using glass or ceramic tiles and grout to make a picture. Mosaics adorn the ceilings in cathedrals with elaborate details, but they can be found in a simple pattern on the coffee table in your home. With practice, you can create a custom mosaic all your own. 041b061a72

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