Blue Giant Pallet Jack Repair Manual
Installation Fully lower the pallet jack and turn it over so that the undercarriage is facing up. Thread the push rod into the tee clevis to the point that the holes of the push rod line up with the lifting link and insert the pin that attaches the two parts. Drive in the roll pin to secure the pin in place. To ensure the push rods are adjusted correctly, turn the jack over to its normal operating position. Then raise the jack and stand on the forks, facing the handle. While standing on the forks, lower the jack and determine if both forks bottom-out at the same time. If one reaches the floor before the other, adjustments are needed. You can shorten the adjustment on the fork that hit second or lengthen the adjustment on the fork that hit first. (15 minutes)
Blue Giant Pallet Jack Repair Manual
Recognized for their reliability and durability, Blue Giant manual pallet trucks are used in busy facilities all over the world. Each compact model offers years of high productivity and a low cost of ownership.
Fast Lift Parts is the #1 source for all of your OEM quality or better manual pallet jack parts with free shipping on any order that exceeds $550. Our massive inventory includes Crown pallet jack parts, Wesco pallet jack parts, Blue Giant Pallet Jack parts, Yale pallet jack parts, pallet jack replacement wheels, pallet jack lift, and more. Need help finding the right parts? Click here.
Paying a technician to come out and look at it will cost at least $50 just in travel charges and by the time you pay for the labor and parts it will be right around the same $200-300 that you would purchase a new manual pallet jack for.
Pump the handle down and up to raise the forks. The handle is connected to the drive-wheel, this allows you to control the direction of the pallet jack. To lower the forks squeeze the lever on the handle. Read here for more details.
Helmar Parts has manual forklift parts for almost every pallet jack on the market. We carry manual pallet jack repair supplies for a long list of brands including Hu-Lift, Mighty Lift, Blue Giant, Lift-Rite, Palletmaster, Valu-Jack, and our own Helmar line of pallet jacks. No matter which model you?re trying to fix, we have pallet jack parts for any repair, including everything from shafts and washers on up to complete hydraulic pumps.
Are you ready to replace your current pallet jack, or add another jack to your facility?s equipment? We don?t just sell manual jack replacement parts, we also sell our MJPX Series pallet jacks directly from our website.
Blue Giant material handling solutions with electrical and manual pallet trucks, straddle stackers, and counterbalanced lift trucks pick up and transport heavy cargo smoothly and efficiently: Manual Pallet Trucks Powered Pallet Trucks Rider Pallet Trucks Walkie Stackers Task Support Vehicles
He with the rod was a tall, stout, and well-made ladof some twenty years, with dark-blue eyes, curlybrown hair, and a sunburnt visage; he wore a greyshooting-jacket and kilt, a sporran, of badger-skin, anda heather-coloured bonnet. His companion was a fewyears older, larger in form, brawny, thickset, andstrong as a Highland bull, and his knees, whereshown by his tattered kilt and well-worn hose, of nocolour known in nature, were almost as hairy as thoseof the same animal. He wore the usual coarse bluejacket and bonnet of a Highland peasant.
Leaving a small party under Lieutenant Logan, ofours, to protect the landing of the baggage and stores,accompanied by our three Turkish acquaintances, weforded a stream, with pipes playing and bayonetsfixed, and crossing the promontory, marched towardsHeraclea, which lies at the bottom of a little bay,and on the land side is defended by walls, thoughsomewhat old and rent; and in a short time wemarched in, making its streets of old dilapidatedand worm-eaten timber houses; its domed mosques,and tall white-painted minars; its ruined palace ofVespasian; its Greek café; its Jewish bazaar; itswhirling windmills; its stony and slipperythoroughfares and old ruins of the Grecian days, ring to thesharp rat-tat of the British brass drum and to theskirl of three great Scottish war-pipes, from thechanters and nine deep drones of which our piperspoured the stirring 'Haughs of Cromdale,' with sucheffect, that the big-breeched, long-bearded, stupid-lookingold Turks, who sat smoking on carpets and platformsat the doors and in the street, with yataghansand pistols in their red-shawl girdles; the livelyGreeks, in tarboosh, short jacket, and blueinexpressibles; the sharp-visaged Jews and solemnArmenians, all opened their round black eyes, and threw uptheir hands in wonder, as we wheeled up towards thefortress in sections of threes, with arms sloped, ourtartans waving, and black feathers flaunting in thewind.
A red light flashed fitfully through one of the irongratings, and the swarthy visage, heavy moustache,and scarlet fez of the Turkish sergeant appeared, ashe held up a flaring torch and gazed in, withsomething of wonder and alarm in his dark and dilatingAsiatic eyes. The iron door was hastily opened, andseveral soldiers, clad in short blue jackets, and tightred trousers, ran down the steps, and preceded bythe chaoush with the torch, began to lay about themon all sides with bamboo rods, caning all withoutdiscrimination.
So I started requesting the heavy stuff, and getting it. Collar-wise, the transition from faux white to dirty blue was cathartic, and kept me from hanging myself and/or skipping a car payment. I helped assemble the sales racks of a new shoe store in East Boston; I moved pallets; I unloaded trailers. The days flew by.