A couple smooching on a park bench could be called amorous, or a young married couple who are always hugging and kissing. But the word is often used a bit sarcastically, as when a tabloid newspaper gets hold of some scandalous photos and calls the participants "the amorous pair". In such cases, we may be encouraged to think the attraction is more physical than emotional.
Establishes that an amorous relationship between two individuals constitutes a conflict of interest when one of the individuals has direct evaluative authority over the other, and requires that the direct evaluative authority be eliminated.
Amorous relationshipsAmorous RelationshipsSee Section II. Definitions will sometimes develop between members of the University community, whether faculty members, studentsStudentAny individual who applies to, is accepted for admission, and enrolls for a course at the University of Colorado. This does not include an individual who has never attended or never enrolled at the institution., administrators or staff. This policy requires that direct evaluative authority not be exercised in cases where amorous relationships exist or existed within the last seven years between two individuals, whether of the same or opposite sex. Problems often arise with amorous relationships in situations where one party is the supervisorSupervisorSee Section II. Definitions and the other the supervisee. In such situations the integrity of academic or employment decisions may either be compromised or appear to be compromised. Further, amorous relationships between parties of unequal power greatly increase the possibility that the individual with the evaluative responsibility, typically a supervisor or a faculty member, will abuseAbuseThe result of behavior that is deficient or improper when compared with behavior that a prudent person would consider reasonable and necessary given the facts and circumstances. Abuse is distinct from an illegal act or other law violation that occurs when laws, regulations, or rules, or contracts, grants or donor restrictions are violated. Abuse usually results in an inappropriate use of University resources, such as excessive cost for an acquired good or service. her/his power and sexually exploit the student or employeeEmployeesAn individual who currently holds a University employment appointment, whether full-time, part-time, temporary, seasonal or hourly.. A relationship which began as consensual, may in retrospect be seen as something else by one or both of the parties. Moreover, others may be adversely affected by such behavior because it places the faculty member or supervisor in a position to favor or advance one student's or employee's interest at the expense of others and implicitly makes obtaining preferences contingent upon romantic or sexual favors. This policy, consequently, is intended to: (1) establish a reporting structure to protect participants in these relationships from violations of University conflict of interestConflict of interestSituations defined in the Administrative Policy Statement Conflict of Interest Policy in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising, an employee's professional judgment in administration, management, instruction, research and other professional activities. This includes situations in which an employee might derive private gain due to her/his association with the University. guidelines; and (2) provide direction concerning how to terminate evaluative responsibilities between the two parties in the reported relationship.
c. 1300, "in love; inclined to love; sexually attracted," from Old French amoros "loving, in love; lovely" (13c., Modern French amoureux), from Late Latin amorosum, from Latin amor "love, affection, strong friendly feeling; one's beloved," from amare "to love, be in love with; find pleasure in" (see Amy). Related: Amorously; amorousness.
The College appreciates that in many instances, interaction between employees and students is supplemental to formal instruction and benefits the academic community by promoting the interchange of ideas, building mutual trust and respect, and facilitating communication. Such non-amorous interaction, to the extent that it enhances formal classroom instruction, is permitted.
The university policy only pertains to amorous relationships in which one person has evaluative authority over the other person, such as tenured faculty and untenured faculty, a professor and a student, a coach and a player, a supervisor and an employee, or a resident advisor and a resident.
The primary responsibility to disclose the amorous relationship rests with the person in the evaluative position, but both parties have a duty to disclose the conflict of interest in an amorous relationship. If the individuals do not report the relationship, and the evaluative authority continues, OIEC may conduct an adjudication into a potential violation of the Amorous Relationships Policy.
harassment. Thus, those disclosing pre-existing or allowable amorous relationships should be aware that disclosing a relationship does not change the power differential or protect from future accusations of sexual harassment or misconduct. In the event of a charge of sexual harassment arising from such circumstances, the university will in general be unsympathetic to a defense based upon consent when the facts establish that a faculty-student or staff-student power differential existed within the relationship.
The purpose of this policy is to set forth expectations for University community members regarding amorous or sexual relationships and to ensure that such relationships do not result in actual or perceived impropriety.
The University of North Florida is committed to providing and maintaining a working and learning environment that is fulfilling and equitable for all members of the University community including students, faculty and staff. Implicit in the University's commitment is that all community members conduct themselves in an ethical manner in their interactions and relationships with each other. To accomplish the University's goals, relationships between students, faculty and staff must be based on integrity, respect and trust. Any amorous or sexual relationships between community members that call these principles into question interfere with the University's academic mission.
Faculty members, administrators and staff in any type of supervisory or oversight capacity are prohibited from engaging in an amorous, dating or sexual relationship with a student or employee whom he/she instructs, evaluates, supervises, or advises, or over whom he/she is in a position to exercise authority such that it would impact their educational or work performance.
It is therefore recognized by Michigan State University that consensual amorous and sexual relationships between instructors and students are counterintuitive to these rights and responsibilities, to the environment desired, and in upholding the mission of the University. Such personal relations undermine the integrity of the instructor and student relationship. There is an inherent power differential between instructors and students making consensual amorous and sexual relationships between instructors and students fundamentally unequal.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Michigan State University's learning environment reflects our moral and ethical responsibility to manage the power differential that exists when there are consensual amorous and sexual relationships between instructors and students.
A. Consensual amorous or sexual relationships: Relationships of a romantic, dating, and/or sexual nature entered into with consent of both parties. These relationships may or may not involve physical contact, and can include digital relationships via text, social media, etc. This definition also covers past relationships.
An amorous or sexual relationship between an undergraduate student and a faculty member, academic staff member, or a graduate teaching assistant may impair or undermine the ongoing trust needed for effective teaching, learning and professional development. Because of the faculty or academic staff member's authority or power over the student, inherently conflicting interests and perceptions of unfair advantage arise when a faculty, academic staff member, or graduate teaching assistant assumes or maintains educational responsibility for a student with whom the faculty or academic staff member has or is engaged in amorous or sexual relations.
Such consensual amorous or sexual relationships, even absent any educational responsibility, may lead to unanticipated conflicts of interest since an instructor's influence and power may extend beyond the classroom or department. Due to the institutional power differential in instructor and undergraduate student relationships, there is the inherent risk of coercion and the perception by others of exploitation.
It is, therefore, the policy of Michigan State University that any amorous or sexual relationships between an undergraduate student enrolled at the University and a faculty member, academic staff member, or graduate teaching assistant is prohibited, as follows:
It is therefore the policy that faculty and academic staff are prohibited from engaging in a consensual amorous or sexual relationship with a graduate student over whom there is educational responsibility.
A faculty, academic staff member or graduate teaching assistant shall immediately disclose the amorous or sexual relationship to the relevant unit administrator where the relationship predates their assistant's assumption of educational responsibility for the student. The relevant unit administrator shall promptly arrange other oversight for the student in consultation with the dean and Academic Human Resources. Such oversight is to be evaluated annually.
Consensual amorous or sexual relationships are between faculty and academic staff and postdoctoral fellows (i.e. research associates) over whom there is educational responsibility are prohibited. Where such a relationship predates the assumption of educational responsibility, the faculty or academic staff member shall immediately disclose the relationship with the relevant unit administrator, who shall develop an oversight plan in consultation with the dean and Academic Human Resources, to be evaluated annually. 041b061a72