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Buy House Key West

Our historic Victorian guest house features seven elegant and stately rooms. Tour our beautiful accommodations to choose which uniquely designed room best fits your needs. Our bed and breakfast located in Key West is a historic property with a rich past. We are within walking distance of Duval Street, The Historic Seaport and Old Town Key West restaurants, bars, art galleries and attractions.

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Kaitlynn Copinger is a freelance writer based in Virginia Beach. She is a former newspaper reporter with more than a decade of professional writing experience. Having bought and sold one house, then relocating and purchasing another, Kaitlynn knows well the challenges and joys of home ownership.

While Old Town draws the tourists, New Town houses the locals. With larger lots and lower prices ($502,223 is the average sold price in December 2020), this is where 75% of Key West residents live. If you want the island lifestyle, but also some of the suburban living amenities that make full-time island living a little easier, this is a great neighborhood to explore.

A popular style in Old Town, where houses can be 100 to 150 years old, is the conch house. These two-story houses usually feature large verandas and shutters over the doors and windows. Other styles include shotgun houses, single-story cottages built by Cuban cigar barons for their workers, and Victorian-style homes. Many homes are painted in bright pastel colors, a nod to the Bahamian influence that still can be seen throughout the island.

The U.S. Post Office, Courthouse, and Custom House in Key West, Florida, is a two-story limestone clad building. It is constructed of Key Largo limestone quarried at the Windley key quarry, a site now owned by the state of Florida. It is a Deco interpretation of a classical style. The west elevation is the primary elevation. In the center of this elevation twelve engaged pilasters with decorative terra cotta caps support an entablature. The frieze of the entablature is incised and has a plain field on which are incised the words "POST OFFICE, CUSTOM HOUSE, COURT HOUSE". There is a decorative terra cotta block above the last bay of windows at each corner. This block is ornamented with two small fluted engaged pilasters flanking a swag-type design. There are two decorative belt courses spanning the perimeter of the building. One belt course is just above the second floor level windows. It consists of a series of palmiform designs. The second belt course is at the cornice level. It is a simple course of rod-like design. The main entry at the west elevation is somewhat changed from the original. The contemporary entrance doors are bronze anodized storefront-type doors. A copper canopy has been added over the three main entry doors. Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the main elevation is a pair of massive bronze-framed urn-like light fixtures. These original fixtures are mounted on the low cheek walls which flank the main entry steps. The north elevation is similar to the west. The south elevation is the same except the five easternmost windows on the first floor are blocked-in with limestone. The former/original Custom Service seizure room is located in this area and the windows were designed to be blocked-in for security purposes. Though of similar finishes and design, the east elevation and the light court are more utilitarian in nature than the other elevations. The east elevation is limestone clad and is the site of the loading dock. A small limestone, original pumphouse is adjacent to the building to the north at the east elevation. There is an open light court at the center of the building. The light court elevations are clad with buff brick. There are two one-story additions at the north and south within the light court. The north addition was constructed first; the south addition is fairly recent, though the exact date is undetermined.

The corridors and entry lobby of the U.S. Post Office, Courthouse, and Custom House in Key West have retained, in spite of some changes, most of the original features and finishes. The entry lobby opens off the west elevation with three entry doors. The lobby is divided into two bays. The first bay serves as the entry. Two columns and two engaged pilasters of the Corinthian order visually divide the entry vestibule of the lobby from the corridor area. Four engaged pilasters on the easternmost wall of the corridor mirror the columns/pilasters of the entry lobby. The lobby floors are terrazzo. The walls are painted plaster with marble wainscot to 3'. The marble is not original. When the building was constructed the main staircase provided the only vertical transportation (the elevator was installed in 1985). The stairs are marble-clad. The handrail is satin finish aluminum with a fluted starting newel, and alternating open panels and panels with cornstalk detail. The rail cap is wood.

The U.S. Post Office, Courthouse, and Custom House in Key West derives its historical significance as a representation of the federal presence in Key West.The passage of the Public Buildings Act of 1926 precipitated a period of building construction that was unprecedented in the United States. The Public Buildings Act specified that the office of the Supervising Architect of the Department of the Treasury would be responsible for the design and construction of all public buildings. The Key West Federal Building was constructed during this period, in 1930-1932. There is no documented architect, therefore it is believed that the plans came from the office of the Supervising Architect of the Treasury, James A. Wetmore. Algernon Blair of Montgomery, Alabama was general contractor; Charles M. Pritchett was construction engineer. The original contract for the building designated $344,307 as the cost of construction.The building was built to be the U.S. Post Office, Courthouse and Custom House for Key West. The U.S. Post Office moved to a new building in 1985, but the Custom Service and Courts still remain. Other tenants are the U.S. Marshal's Service, the FBI and Social Security.The Key West U.S. Post Office, Courthouse, and Custom House is a contributing property located within the Key West Historic District and, as such, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The foundation purchased magnificent antiques, created the spectacular gardens that turn the nearly one-acre property into a tropical paradise and filled the house with 28 first-edition Audubon works.

The Ernest Hemingway House was the residence of American writer Ernest Hemingway in the 1930s. The house is situated on the island of Key West in Florida. It is at 907 Whitehead Street, across from the Key West Lighthouse, close to the southern coast of the island. Due to its association with Hemingway, the property is the most popular tourist attraction in Key West. It is also famous for its large population of so-called Hemingway cats, many of which are polydactyl.

The residence was constructed in 1851 in a French Colonial style by a wealthy marine architect and salvager Asa Tift. From 1931 to 1939, the house was inhabited by Hemingway and his wife Pauline Pfeiffer. They restored the decaying property and made several additions. During his time at the home, Hemingway wrote some of his best-received works, including the non-fiction work Green Hills of Africa (1935), the 1936 short stories "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", and the novels To Have And Have Not (1937) and Islands in the Stream (1970).[note 1] After the Hemingways' divorce and deaths, the house was auctioned off and subsequently converted into a private museum in 1964. On November 24, 1968, it was designated a National Historic Landmark.[2]

Construction on the house began in 1848 and was completed in 1851[5] by Asa Tift, a marine architect and salvage wrecker, in a French Colonial estate style.[6] The house's site, across the street from the Key West Lighthouse,[7] has an elevation of 16 feet (4.9 m) above sea level, making it the second-highest site on the island.[6][8] In addition to the elevation, the house's 18-inch thick limestone walls protect it during tropical storms and hurricanes.[9]

When Pauline had first seen 907 Whitehead Street during a house-scouting tour, she labeled it a "damned haunted house".[11] At the time, the house was in foreclosure and was in deep disrepair.[6] However, after recognizing its potential, she convinced her wealthy Uncle Gus to purchase it at $8,000 for her and Ernest as a wedding present.[12][13] Ernest appreciated the seclusion that the 1.5-acre lot would offer him while writing his works.[13] Employing out-of-work Conchs, the Hemingways restored the entire house.[14] Most of the house's inner furnishings were selected by Pauline, but Ernest insisted on the inclusion of his hunting trophies.[15] At the cost of air circulation, Pauline replaced the house's ceiling fans with chandeliers.[16] The couple also converted the second story of the carriage house into a writing studio for Ernest and transformed the basement into a wine cellar.[14]

While living at the house, Hemingway wrote some of his best-received work, including the 1935 non-fiction work Green Hills of Africa, the 1936 short stories "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber", and his 1937 novel To Have And Have Not. After his death, a manuscript was discovered in a vault in the garage; this work was published posthumously in 1970 as Islands in the Stream.[6] After eight years of residing at the house, Hemingway moved to Cuba in 1939.[22]

Following their 1940 divorce, Pauline lived in the house until her death in 1951 and the house remained vacant afterward. The ownership of the house remained in Hemingway's name until his suicide in July 1961. Later that year, his three sons auctioned off the house for $80,000.[6][23][24] 041b061a72

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