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Catholic Daily Quotes

Público·11 miembros

Luscinia Megarhynchos ((EXCLUSIVE))

Such structural song traits may be used to convey quality information predominantly in species with simply structured songs and small repertoires. However, even in large repertoire species, the performance of some song components might contain information different from (or in addition to) repertoire size [17]. In general, to investigate the potential of communicative signals to serve as an indicator of quality, it is necessary to show that a signal a) has large inter-individual variation; b) is reliably related to a physical trait; and c) is indeed used in communication by potential receivers. Here, we investigate whether a complex structural song trait, namely the buzz element, produced by male common nightingales, Luscinia megarhynchos, conforms to the above three predictions and is thus likely to serve as an acoustic signal of male quality.

luscinia megarhynchos

The Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos Brehm, 1831) belongs to the order of the Passeriformes and to the family of the Muscicapidae and is one of the most known birds of our Palearctic, even if due to its discretion and its somewwhat modest livery, is practically known only by the ornithologists.

We must note that Linnaeus initially classified the Thrush Nightingale giving it the name of Motacilla luscinia whilst the common one got a correct distinction only 73 years later, by Brehm.

Three subspecies have been classified, strictly related with the specific areas occupied, Luscinia megarhynchos megarhynchos of Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Luscinia megarhynchos africana of Anatolia, Caucasian region, Iraq and Iran, and Luscinia megarhynchos golzii, of central Asia up to Mongolia.

Luscinia megarhynchos is a species of birds in the family Old World flycatchers. They are native to Ethiopia and the Palearctic. They are solitary, diurnal herbivores. They have parental care (paternal care and female provides care). They rely on flight to move around.

Human language and speech are unique accomplishments. Nevertheless, they share a number of characteristics with other systems of communication, and investigators have thus compared them to birdsong and the vocal signaling of nonhuman primates. Particular interesting parallels concern the development of singing and speaking. These behaviors rely on auditory perception, subsequent memorization and finally, the generation of vocal imitations. Several mechanisms help young individuals to deal with the various challenges during the time of signal development. Specific differences aside, astounding parallels can be found also in how a human and a particularly accomplished bird like the Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos treat the experience of many different sound patterns or songs. As a consequence of such exposure, both human infants and young birds eventually acquire large repertoires of verbal or vocal signals. These achievements, however, require access to specific memory mechanisms which are well adapted to the purposes they serve, thereby allowing them to fulfil their species typical roles. With such aspects as a reference, birdsong is an excellent biological model for memory research and also an appropriate system for the study of evolutionary strategies in a very successful class of organisms.

This image has been assessed under the valued image criteria and is considered the most valued image on Commons within the scope: Luscinia megarhynchos (Common Nightingal) egg. You can see its nomination here.

The Rufous-headed Robin Larvivora ruficeps is related to the Common Nightingale Luscinia megarhynchos and Thrush Nightingale Luscinia luscinia. In common with these, it has a strong and beautiful song. However, unlike in the nightingales, males and females differ in plumage, and the male is strikingly coloured. 041b061a72

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